


  • 基岩’s开放安全平台策略
  • Intrinsically-secure control systems starts at the semiconductor level
  • Bedrock固件更新包括改进的SCADA冗余和扩展的通用以太网/ IP容量。


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Before we get into the actual announcement, here’s a little background for you.

The industry has been talking a lot about open and secure automation. For decades, industrial control systems have been built on proprietary technology that creates vendor lock-in and a closed architecture that makes it hard to interconnect other best of breed technologies.

So we’ve been reporting a lot on developments coming from groups like the open process automation forum which is working on developing a standards-based, secure, and interoperable process control architecture. I myself, have written a lot about this movement, which is why I received an invitation from Bedrock Automation to visit its headquarters located outside of Boston, Massachusetts.

During that visit, Albert Rooyakkers, who is the company founder, CEO, and CTO, walked me through the history of the company, and how Bedrock reinvented industrial controls several years ago by building security from the inside out. You see, Rooyakkers has experience in industrial automation, from there, he moved into the semiconductor industry. And that is where the concept of an intrinsically secure control system was born.


Rooyakkers told me: “We literally started with a blank sheet of paper and had the muscle and might of a major semiconductor company to make it real. A key part of what we do starts with specialized cyber-hardened digital electronics…You have to start at the smallest common denominator, which is the transistor, and build that out.”


凭借超过120项专利,基岩自动化继续发展其开放式安全架构,正如我们最新的产品版本所示。New firmware enhancements improve SCADA redundancy, enable Transport Layer Security support for MQTT Sparkplug, expand universal EtherNet/IP capacity, ease flow meter proving, and assist in diagnosing large motors.

它还影响了几个基岩的安全系统和模块中的功能,包括:控制系统,内置于较少的底板上并可缩放,以支持数千个I / O;遥控系统,为需要5到20 I / O的应用提供安全的自动化。支持Modbus TCP和以太网/ IP的通用以太网网关;和远程流量测量和控制系统,其在单个模块中集成了流量计算和过程控制。



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