Real-Time, Voice Programming for Robotic Applications

COMAUMI.RA/Dexter software allows end users to program robots in real-time using simple verbal commands, such as “look,” “touch,” and “execute.”

Quick hits:

  • 在推动较低的采用障碍时,对编程机器人的直观方法变得更加常见。
  • 目前,有三种用于编程机器人的常用方法:教导方法,手动指导和离线机器人编程。
  • COMAUMI.RA / DEXTER使用编程的Metalanguage将人类语法带入并将其转换为机器人语法,以便编程可以通过语音命令实时进行。

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你好,欢迎来拿五with Automation World. I'm David Miller, Senior Technical Writer for自动化世界. Today I'm going to be talking about a very innovative new approach to robot programming, and how it links up with other trends we've seen in this domain.

So, before I get into this new methodology for programming robots, let's talk about the current techniques that are in widespread use. For some time now, we've seen the programming of robots becoming easier and more intuitive in the interest of lowering barriers to adoption.

At the current juncture, robotic programming is done through one of three methods: The Teach Method, Hand-Guiding, and Offline robot programming.

The teach method simply involves using a device called a teach pendant to guide a robot through a series of specific points of motion which are then saved to its memory. So, the robot is basically steered or controlled using this teach pendant device, which takes it through every incremental movement it will be required to make, each one is recorded, and then it is essentially played back at a higher speed. Because the robot will probably be working in a highly standardized environment with products of a uniform type, this perfect repetition of motions will do perfectly well to move a line along.

手头的指导是相似的,但完全是我们做的ing manual guidance, rather than a controller like the teach pendant. It's quite simply that if I needed the robot to move its arm like this, and then like this, and then like this, I would simple move it manually in that manner, and record the movements at each juncture to lock it into memory, and then it would repeat that sequence of motions on its own.

Those two types of programming are obviously highly intuitive, and so basically anyone could carry them out. You don't need to have much specialized technical knowledge. Offline robot programming involves using virtual models and may be more technically sophisticated, so we're not going to go into that in more detail today. Instead, I want to return to what we started on – a new method of programming robots that is similarly intuitive.

So, this method of robotic programming is from甜甜圈, via a software product called MI.RA/Dexter, and it utilizes what's called a programming metalanguage to take human syntax and translate it into robot syntax. In essence, it's able to process simple voice commands. What happens is that a robotic arm outfitted with a vision system and AI – an intelligent robotic arm – is simple spoken to by the user – in real-time, they can give it verbal commands such as to “look” at a certain object, “touch” a certain point in space, “execute” a certain pre-programmed action. It's that simple, and it can again be done completely in real-time.

该软件最近在菲亚特500辆车上进行了编程信息娱乐系统 - 这需要一个流程,从字面上推动触摸屏上的按钮,以便在运送汽车外,而且通常,一个人只需要坐在那里并一步一步一步。这是乏味的,它很无聊,这可能是那个人的浪费。使用MI.RA / DEXTER,COMAU实际上能够通过车辆的窗户发送机器人手臂,其中另一个较小的机器人连接到它,这可以非常精致地推动信息系统上的按钮。而这对此非常有趣的是,这是一个非常高的精度任务,涉及一定的空间变异性,因此这是一种相当令人印象深刻的软件智能类型,需要使能够始终如一地重复它的机器人。

Yet this system was able to achieve it even while utilizing such an intuitive programming system—so that's impressive.


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