Human-Like Robotic Visual Inspection for Vials, Syringes and More

With deep learning, the Vision Robot Unit is designed to meet emerging “smart factory” needs for a fully automated, flexible inspection system that enhances control process reliability.


ThisStevanato Group automated visual inspection system- 视觉机器人单元或VRU - 旨在精确,灵活地检查小瓶,注射器,墨盒等。在PACK EXPO Connects,一台机器可容纳一系列产品,包括单克隆抗体(mAb),疫苗和冻干药物。该系统正在2021年初交付给其第一个客户,它在没有人类干预的情况下检查了化妆品和粒子的特性。


Stevanato Group的Vision检查项目经理Giacomo Girotto说:“我们希望发布类似人类检查的全部灵活性,以及​​自动检查设备的可重复性和可扩展性。该系统允许“类似人类检查”的某些灵活性,包括在检查时旋转和倾斜容器的能力,从而有新的检查可能性。”

With standard vision inspection machines, there may be different format parts to accommodate an array of products, but with the VRU, the robotic gripper means the setup time passing from one format to another is greatly reduced. Its no glass-to-glass inspection process significantly mitigates the likelihood of product damage or breakage for fragile containers.

One machine: multiple products

Flexibility is a key benefit of the machine. Whether the end user is a brand owner or contract manufacturer, they are likely to be processing very small batches (some thousands per year) or personalized batches based on a patient’s own cells, where a product may have different attributes—such as varying viscosity—depending on the patient and treatment.


It is also adaptive, exhibiting continuous learning from both production and operator stimuli. It learns to look at the necessary part of the image and isolate the defect. The result is an improvement in the reduction in both costly false rejects and, even more importantly, false positives. In one trial focusing on reducing the False Rejection Rate (FRR) due to bubbles misclassified as particles, the inspection system viewed 30,000 product images and the false reject rate dropped to 0.21%.

[For more, check outAI Deep Learning in the Pharma Market。]。


The VRU’s island design, for which there is a patent pending, comprises a versatile “plug & play” concept with a freely configurable infeed and outfeed. It is also scalable, so multiple vision inspection units can be added to increase throughput as needs dictate.

To view demos in their entirety (available through March 31, 2021) and add Stevanato Group to your MyConnects Planner, clickhere.

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